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In Living StereoWe are available for appointments every Thursday through Saturday, from 12pm to 6pm. You can call us at 212-979-1273 Monday through Saturday to book an appointment or to ask a question. -
G.I.P. LaboratoryWe are proud to be an official dealer for G.I.P. Laboratory horn loudspeakers and tube electronics. G.I.P. manufactures replica Western Electric theater loudspeaker systems from the 1930s, considered the holy grail by high-end audio enthusiasts.
Contact Us | Store HoursThe Store is open by appointment every Thursday to Saturday
from 12pm to 6 pm. If you'd like to make an appointment or ask a question:
Call us at 212-979-1273
Email us at inlivingstereo1968@gmail.com -
The ExperienceWe only sell stereo equipment we love, whether it's quality entry level systems or the most over the top high end gear imaginable.
The thing about In Living Stereo is that it's more focused on providing the best possible sound than installing speakers in your bathroom's ceiling. It's funny, ILS has beenin business since 2001, but it reminds me of the way high-end shops used to be in the 1980s. ILS is a throwback and I mean that in the best possible way.
Steve Guttenberg
CNETThe manner in which HiFi is sold in the U.S. isn't very different from Germany, but in general we find more passion and engagement for HiFi here in Europe. Only at in Living Stereo did we find this type of exceptional commitment.
Ingo Schultz
Fidelity MagazineReally knowledgeable staff. Very helpful with any questions you might have. They are definitely geared towards more hi end equipment but they have a good selection for pretty much any budget.